Revolution TUA-102, TUA TU013A 51ton China Clay Tank Wagon, Unbranded Tiger - 70725
Revolution TUA-102, TUA TU013A 51ton China Clay Tank Wagon, Unbranded Tiger - 70725
Revolution Trains
Revolution TUA-102, TUA TU013A 51ton China Clay Tank Wagon, Unbranded Tiger 70725
There were 28 TUA wagons built by Standard Wagon of Heywood in Lancashire in 1977, to the design code TU013A. They had a gross weight of 51 tonnes and featured Gloucester pedestal suspension.
The wagons were built for TRL and leased by them to ICI for use on caustic soda delivery trains from their Mond works in Cheshire. The barrels were painted in ICI’s dark transport blue, with orange solebars, and prominent TRL/ICI ‘Mond Division’ lettering.
The wagons were used largely in Speedlink services to customers across Britain, with destinations including Corkickle, Haverton Hill, Dalry, Grangemouth, Purfleet, Seal Sands and Wigton.
In 1988 12 TUAs were repurposed for China Clay slurry traffic running between Burngullow and Aberdeen and given the ECC blue livery.